Tag Archives: Global Dance Festival

Crafts Fair Startles With Striking Originality; Dance Enthusiasts Thrilled

MONTCLAIR, NEW JERSEY: The Annual Montclair Summer Crafts Fair opened yesterday in beautiful downtown Montclair. Potential customers braved the July heat to admire local craftspeoples’ artistic wares.

Charming Montclair, New Jersey: site of the current Crafts Fair. Imagine embroidery lining these streets–thrilling thought, right?

“Just look at all of these little knots,” said Ethel Rheinbottom (44), admiring knitting and embroidery products. “I would go blind making them.” “We’re so proud of our local artists,” stated local Councilwoman Renee Wallour [age not given] “They add so much to the fabric of our community. Even if they don’t earn their living at their ‘art,’ that doesn’t mean it’s not valid.” (see local arts cooperative: http://www.montclairartsy.net, and twitter@montyartsy).

The next fair to grace Montclair’s streets is in two weeks. It’s the Fifth Annual Montclair Global Dance Festival. Folk Dancing from three Continents will be featured: North America, South America, and Iceland. [Wally–check to see if Iceland is a Continent] The festival will kick off with a demonstration of a Brazilian Wedding Dance, that takes place between the two parents-in-law. It has never been seen in Northern New Jersey before. Local dance enthusiasts (www.welovedancenj.net) are thrilled.

Example of the some of the fine knitting available at the Crafts Fair. Mind-bogglingly good!

Hard to imagine human hands embroidered this. So delicate!

Brazil: a country that dearly loves its folk-dancing.

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Filed under Crafts fair, Embroidery, Folk dance, Global Dance Festival, Knitting, Montclair, Northern New Jersey, Uncategorized