Tag Archives: Clifton Public Library

Overdue Book Provokes Bad Feelings; Agatha Christie Blamed

CLIFTON, NEW JERSEY: Voices were uncharacteristically raised at the Clifton Community Library yesterday (www.cliftonrocks.net), when a disagreement broke out over a much-loved murder mystery. “She’s wrong, and she knows it!” fumed Beatrice Fairweather (78). “I was on the waiting list for ‘And Then There Was None,’ and she deliberately checked it out again!” The mystery is by writer/icon Agatha Christie.  [Wally–insert website about Christie’s mysterious disappearance in 1926].

Hotel room where Christie wrote “Murder on the Orient Express.” Spooky, huh? No wonder she wrote murder mysteries!!!

Miss Elizabetta Kranshaink denies the charge. “It’s my right to check it out a second time, even if I have finished it,” she huffed. “Beatrice is a very unhappy person. Always has been since I stole her boyfriend in 1948.”

The Clifton Library has a number of interesting events scheduled for the coming month. There will be a lecture on folk dancing in Eastern Tennessee; an author’s reading of “My Twelve Years Living in Southern Iowa,” by local luminary, Henrik Walbladder; and a children’s writing class that will base its writing exercises on the Tibetan Book of the Dead. (follow the library at: twitter@cliftonrocks!)

Clifton Public Library: the scene of the murder mystery altercation. Hard to imagine people can disagree in such beautiful surroundings!!!

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Filed under Agatha Christie, Clifton, Clifton Public Library, Library, Murder on the Orient Express, Overdue books, Tibetan Book of the Dead, Uncategorized