Category Archives: Walgreens

Real Housewives of Chatham New Jersey On Rampage, Singing Sensation Brought Aboard to Mediate

CHATHAM, NEW JERSEY: The “Real Housewives” television franchise continues to expand, to the delight and dismay of millions of Americans. [Wally–add their logo here]. The newest eagerly-awaited installment is “The Real Housewives of Chatham, New Jersey.”

Photos, from top to bottom: the lovely and historic post office in Chatham. The outside and inside of the historic Presbyterian Church, site of their famous “Sanctuary Music Series.”

“This show is going to awesome! Full of mayhem, deceit, and revenge!” promised the show’s producer, “Ayrah.” “Ayrah” has no last name, “like Beyonce,” whom the 22 year old producer hopes to get to host the tv series.

Beyonce! The unconfirmed hostess of “The Housewives of Chatham, New Jersey!!!”

‘I don’t know why they’re going to make a show about Chatham. It’s so boring!” whined Sabrina Freeman (14). “Precisely! That’s exactly why we moved here. I don’t want mayhem and deceit in my town! I have enough of that at my job in the city!” added her mother, Elaine Freeman, who works in New York City for the Parks Department. The tv show debuts next week.

When reached for comment about “The Housewives of Chatham, New Jersey,” Beyonce’s personal manager answered with the expected, “No comment.” However, she did confirm that Beyonce is considering becoming the “spokesperson” for the exciting Walgreen’s chain, seen above in a glamorous night time photo.

Mars Bars–reportedly Beyonce’s favorite snack–available at all Walgreens!! Taste the goodness!!!

Why not deep fry your Mars Bars?!? Good–and good for you!! (For a healthier snack, use low-fat oil when deep frying . . . )

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Filed under Beyonce, Chatham, Deep fried Mars bars, Mars bars, New Jersey, Parks Department, Presbyterian church, Real Housewives, Real Housewives of Chatham New Jersey, Uncategorized, Walgreens