Category Archives: St. Thomas Episcopal Church

“New Jersey Idol” Announced! White Chocolate Frosting Amazes! Anderson Cooper Emailed!!!!

WEEHAWKEN, NEW JERSEY: In an exclusive story, we are proud to announce the commencement of an exciting new cable show on the “New Jersey Now!” cable channel that serves over 3,400 people in Northern New Jersey!! (Who knows how bigĀ  it will grow in the future?!?)

Building on the success of the tv sensation AMERICAN IDOL, famed local choreographer Tenille Whipple, of Hoboken, is producing NEW JERSEY IDOL!!!

St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Weekhawken has generously donated its lovely community room in the basement for the first episode of NEW JERSEY IDOL!! (It’s convenient for the audience to become familiar with this shelter, which is where Weehawken residents should go in case of nuclear attack. But there is a stage we can all perform on!!!!)

Tenille is a local luminary, famous as the choreographer of “The Teddy Bear Follies” at the Hoboken YMCA. (See July’s related story.)

Tenille’s planned warm-up act for NEW JERSEY IDOL!!! (Tenille is building on her mammoth success with “The Teddy Bear Follies” at the Hoboken YMCA–see to sign your child up for this semester’s Teddy Bear Pilates classes!!)

It’s Tenille’s dream to get ANDERSON COOPER to host the show!!! (Please contact Tenille if anybody has Anderson’s personal email address!)

Anderson Cooper!!!! (Down, ladies, down!!)

Tenille’s 99 year old grandma, Tacoma, baked this delicious cake for the occasion. “I call it my white chocolate-fudge-frosting cake, which what it’s stuffed with. Why bother with actually putting cake in cake, when you can make it 100% frosting?” Isn’t she amazing?!? And still baking at 99!!!! [Wally–get a flattering photo of Tacoma, and add. She says she’s still interested in dating if you’re interested]

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Filed under American Idol, Anderson Cooper, Chocolate fudge frosting cake, New Jersey Idol, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Tenille Whipple, Uncategorized, Weehawken, YMCA