Category Archives: Ponies

Newsflash: Heroic Pony is the Pride of Fort Lee: Northern New Jersey Astonished


FORT LEE, NEW JERSEY: The good people of New Jersey were astonished and amazed at the story of the pony now known as “Georgie.” This charming nomenclature is because the pretty white pony walked across the George Washington Bridge last week. (to follow this story: twitter@georgiehorsiebridgey)

“Georgie,” the incredible, bridge-crossing pony. Isn’t he cute??

As reported, traffic stopped, police were called, and on-lookers were agog, when an attractive pony (sex now definitively confirmed as male) sauntered across the sidewalk of the George Washington Bridge.

The scenic and historic George Washington Bridge: everyone’s favorite!

The animal control department of Fort Lee ( calmed the pony; and its employee, Cheryl Broadbound [age not disclosed], temporarily housed the pony [illegally–don’t mention this, Wally] in her own garage.

The Fort Lee Police Department investigated how the pony crossed the bridge, but has been unable to solve the mystery–so far. “Believe me, we will get to the bottom of this,” stated Sgt. Francis McGree firmly. “The department takes every incident in our purview very seriously. Especially in an election year.” [donations gratefully accepted by department for charity work with “unruly youth.”]

Cheryl Broadbound’s attractive and functional garage in Fort Lee, New Jersey. We’re lucky to have her as part of Ft. Lee’s Animal Control Team!!!

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Filed under Animal control, Fort Lee Police Department, Ft. Lee, George Washington Bridge, Ponies, Traffic, Uncategorized

Pony Safe & Resting Quietly; Wine Bar Fosters Potential Love Connection

FORT LEE, NEW JERSEY: Traffic stopped, the police were called, and on-lookers were amazed, when an attractive pony (sex not reported) walked across the sidewalk of the George Washington Bridge.

The George Washington Bridge: site of the pony’s historic stroll. A pretty bridge, don’t you think??

“Oh my God!” [Wally–can we use that word?] “A friggin’ pony on the bridge? That’s ****in’ awesome!” exclaimed Rolando Pepnik (28), as he went for his daily run. (see his website,

The animal control department of Fort Lee ( calmed the pony; and its employee, Cheryl Broadbound [age not disclosed], fed it a carrot. “I always carry carrots. It’s a healthy snack,” confided Broadbound.

The Fort Lee Police Department will investigate how the pony crossed the bridge, and who it belongs to. “Believe me, we will get to the bottom of this,” stated Sgt. Francis McGree flatly. “The department takes every incident in our purview very seriously. Especially in an election year.” [donations accepted by department for charity work with “unruly youth.”]

Mr. Pepnik then asked Ms. Broadbound for a date at a local wine bar. Results to be reported later. [add website address,].

The itinerant pony. Naughty, Naughty!

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Filed under Animal control, Election year, Ft. Lee, George Washington Bridge, Ponies, Uncategorized, Wine bar