Category Archives: Plastic surgeon

The “Pucker Your Lips” Contest–At the Paramus Super Mall! Call Your Surgeon Today!

PARAMUS, NEW JERSEY: Come enter the “2nd Annual Pucker Your Lips Contest”–at the Paramus Super Mall this Sunday! The lady with the best pucker will win a year’s supply of Mac’s Strawberry Lip Gloss! [Wally–enter Super Mall and Mac logos here] The poster child for puckers everywhere is, of course, Angelina Jolie! Think of her, when you’re puckering, ladies!!

Angelina never has to pucker–she is puckered permanently! Even in her sleep–we have it on good authority. From whom? Shh! We’re not saying!

A classic is always a classic, especially when it’s a classic pucker!–

Just take a look at that “classic pucker!” On Shirley Temple, not Eleanor Roosevelt!! (Is it just me, or does it look like Eleanor has “had a few,” here???)

Then, there is the “ever-present” Kim Kardashian!!!–

I know it’s hard to keep your eyes in the right place, but look at the lips–the lips!!

Even some men have a special pucker. They somehow “wear it well.” For instance, what about this pucker???

Those are lips many women would pay to have! (And do!) Who’s are they?–

Justin Beiber of course!!! America’s #1 hearthrob singer–owner of the perfect “male pucker!!!” (Ask for it at your plastic surgeon today!) And don’t forget to “practice your pucker!!!”

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Filed under Angelina Jolie, Eleanor Roosevelt, Justin Beiber, Kim Kardashian, Mac, Paramus, Paramus Super Mall, Plastic surgeon, Shirley Temple