Category Archives: Hoboken

Julia Roberts Sighted in Hoboken: On Arm of “Unknown Man”–She’s Trying Not to “Turn to Mush”

HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY: Julia Roberts [Wally–add bio here for readers under 30 who may not be familiar with] was photographed early today on the arm of an unknown man.

Movie star Julia Roberts, on the arm of the mysterious “Unknown Man.”

Julia Roberts (Mystic Pizza, Pretty Woman, Notting Hill) was dressed in a black suit. The “Unknown Man” was dressed in a dark gray suit. It is not clear whether the color of their suits was pertinent to the occasion. (Each of them wore a white shirt, which seemed to have been laundered and starched recently.)

NZ City (July 2, 2011) reports that Roberts is taking sewing classes, and practicing the piano so her brain “doesn’t turn to mush” as she gets older.

(She’s so beautiful–do we even mind if her mind turns to mush?)

Cornmeal and liver mush: delicious, and good-for-you!

A white dress shirt similar to the one worn by Julia Roberts.

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Filed under Hoboken, Julia Roberts, Mush, Mystic Pizza, Notting Hill, Pretty Woman, Sewing classes, Uncategorized, Unknown man

5-Year-Olds Please Octogenarians; Gatorade A Lifesaver

MONTCLAIR, NEW JERSEY: Smiles appeared on dozens of octogenarian’s faces at the “Fifth Annual Teddy Bear Follies” at the YMCA, in beautiful downtown Montclair. [Wally–see attached photo flash of Montclair mayoral election. Crop out Hoboken official sent to prison last year].

We love the YMCA! Site of the infamous “Teddy Bear Follies!”

Choreographer Tenille Whipple (53), said, “It just warms my heart to see the seniors enjoying my dancers doing their first ballet recital. The kids love dancing for “Grammy” and “Gramps.” (see Whipple’s website,

The performance was momentarily interrupted when Diane “Chi Chi” Applegate, 94, became dehydrated, and needed to be given Gatorade. Ms. Applegate, who never married, summoned the pluck she said she learned working in a munitions factory in World War II, and quickly recovered.

The irrepressible tots followed the dictum, “the show must go on,” and resumed their routine set to the 80s Madonna hit, “Like A Virgin.” [insert photo flash of Madonna through the decades].

Dvds of the almost three-hour performance can be purchased at the YMCA. Proceeds go to teaching children with no rhythm to dance. (

Authentic photograph of munitions factory where “Chi Chi” Applegate worked in the 1940s. Good for you, Chi Chi!

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Filed under Choreographer, Dancing, Gatorade, Hoboken, Madonna, Montclair, Munitions factory, Octogenarians, Seniors, Teddy bear, Uncategorized, YMCA