PHOTO FLASH: New Jersey Life Captured in Priceless Digital Images!!!

SOUTH ORANGE, NEW JERSEY: It’s a new month: a new season!!! Time for an emotional visual recap of September, in digital photos. Let’s take a quick journey through some of our “hottest stories.” Who knew so much could happen so quickly in beautiful and charming Northern New Jersey??? It makes a hardened reporter almost tearful to look at these images, and realize how quickly life passes by! Carpe Diem!


Some of the lovely New Jersey “belles” who have benefited from George Clooney’s “largesse!” (We all know what that means, don’t we, ladies!!!)

Beyonce! The unconfirmed hostess of “The Housewives of Chatham, New Jersey!!!” She sings, she wiggles, she interviews–is there no end to her talent????

Why pay for expensive child care??? Why not have your child’s teeth fixed for a super-super low price, while you have fun and cavort at the Paramus Super Mall??? Dental surgery doesn’t cost that much more than a babysitter when you have the right coupon!!!

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg!!! Some people say she’s the sexiest Supreme Court Justice alive!!!

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Filed under Beyonce, Carpe Diem, Dentists, George Clooney, Northern New Jersey, Paramus Super Mall, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, South Orange, Starlets

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