Joan Collins Drops Pounds! Doggies Too? Why Not Join The “Brisk Walk Craze” and Increase Your Sexiness Quotient???

WEEHAKEN, NEW JERSEY: Why not lose unneeded pounds taking three brisk walks each day?

Why not take a sensible brisk walk with your dogs each morning??? Lose those unwanted, and unhealthy pounds!!!

Doctors recommend using walking sticks to help improve balance! And to reduce the possibility of unwanted falls!!

Why not purchase chic and practical walking sticks???  Improve balance, posture, and gait! What could be better???

Being of British extraction, Joan Collins firmly believes in taking several brisk walks a day. (In addition to plenty of fresh air, and taking cold showers!) Joan likes to look glamorous at all times. Here she is, in her special designed Ruby Red walking-gown!!!

Lady Gaga swears by walking! (And a number of other things we can’t mention in a family publication . . . ) She says it keeps her thin, and “desirable!” There you go, ladies!!

Lady Gaga always moves her arms while walking briskly, to burn extra calories! And she always has dry ice follow her, whereever she goes. Just because it’s fun!!!

Why not have a healthy snack after your brisk walk? But not too many calories! You don’t want to undo what you just walked off!!

Doggie treats! Low-calorie!! And if they’re good enough for Fido, they’re good enough for you! Eat up! Yum yum!!!


Filed under Doggie treats, Joan Collins, Lady Gaga, Walk, Walking sticks, Weehawken

3 responses to “Joan Collins Drops Pounds! Doggies Too? Why Not Join The “Brisk Walk Craze” and Increase Your Sexiness Quotient???

  1. Mon cher Monsieur Bosworth, Merci beaucoup for zees post avec beaucoup de renseignements. I will chercher des walking sticks à Paris pour mes brisks walks autour de Paris in between shopping excursions. Mais pauvre B, c’est évident que tu es dans l’état de New Jersey, because en France we can write about anything dans les family revues, bloguettes et al! I am thinking that you need beaucoup de vin rouge right now! Mais…beef sticks…ça alors! Moi, I am vegetarian! Et I prefer to be eating really yummy camembert as a little post walk snack…avec beaucoup de vin rouge, of course. Amicalement, Fifi p.s. you cannot find really yummy camembert dans le NJ. Ça n’existe pas.

    • Buzzy Widewheeler

      Dear Mlle Fifi: “Merci” for all your comments. “Merci, merci!” It’s good to know that my writing is having such wide readership–all the way to Paris, France! My goodness! I hope you keep returning to learn about the goings-on in Northern New Jersey. We may not be Paris! But we’re pretty sophisticated in our own way! “A bientot!” Respectfully yours, Buzzy

      • Mon cher Monsieur B, It’s mon plaisir to add my pensées…as I find that your northern New Jersey outlook is tellement refreshing! I just love your charming commentaires! I am so delighted to know that you seem to
        to resonate avec les choses that are French! I will considère to revisit with frequency. Amicalement, Fifi

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