Adorable Horses Charm Fair-Goers, Victims Recovering in Local Hospital

SUSSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY: The 18th Annual New Jersey Farm and Horse Show opened yesterday to great acclaim. [Wally–only 16 people attended. Don’t mention] The opening was temporarily marred by a freak rainstorm, which left fair-goers huddled in tin sheds, and in Lexuses, but organizers are optimistic that they will have beautiful weather the rest of week. [Intense hailstorms and possible tornados are predicted. Don’t mention]

Beautiful Sussex County before the storm yesterday. Those struck by lightning at the fair are recovering nicely at Sussex County Hospital.

“I’m not worried at all about more rain,” said Tex Dundry (46), the head of the fair. “People love this fair. Nothing will keep them away.”

“People love to drink. And God knows we’ve got liquor here,” said Flo Vosnik (53),  concessionaire at one food booth. “That’s the main reason people come. That, and to find a man, of course.” [Add link to]

Some people prefer to visit the horses. [see] “The horses are really pretty until they poop on your shoes,” said Darlene Lovesmith (8). Darlene thinks she will be able to get the dung off of her shoe, if she works at it hard enough. The fair is open until Sunday at sunset. Ladies wearing tube tops will be admitted free.

Come visit horses and ponies at the Sussex County Fair! Aren’t they adorable???

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